Survey of Maritime Training Institutes (MTIs): India

In the recent times there are several discussions about the overall declining quality of education and training imparted by various Maritime Training Institutes. While there are several institutes that deliver quality education and training, there are many who sustain and flourish despite not being of acceptable standards.

In order to make a positive contribution to resolve this issue, Foreign Owners Representatives and Ship Managers Association (FOSMA) and The Maritime Association of Ship Owners, Ship Managers and Agents (MASSA) have joined hands to promote an industry driven annual exercise of finding which MTIs (offering pre-sea, post sea, modular and value addition courses) are able to impart required knowledge, skills and attitudes in an effective manner.

The purpose of this survey is to formally identify institutes that deliver quality education and training and not to grade or benchmark them. The list of institutes which make the cut, will form part of preferred institutes and list of such institutes will be displayed at MASSA / FOSMA websites.

All candidates joining FOSMA / MASSA companies will be recommended to complete their training from any of the pre-approved institutes. This exercise shall also provide inputs to the institutes to progressively improve their quality.


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  • Malad (West), Mumbai-400 064, Maharashtra.

IIRE is the education and research wing of Inner Search Foundation a division of ISF Group